2810 barcody rd se huntsville al
2810 barcody rd se huntsville al

We are especially proud of an d wish to we lcome the recently formed Sydney, Australia Chapter by our brother hams " Down Under". Since ou r organization in 1947 we have been growing constantly and now have about 5000 members with 48 chapters. There one will find recorded the calls of practically all the ham s who have grown up with wireless/ radio since the ea rliest days and the open spa rk gap era. A reading of the ca ll signs and names listed in our Bi-Annual Yearbook is an excellent indication of the high esteem Amateurs of the world _hold for membership in the QCWA. We endeavor by and through our association to foster and encou ra ge the advancement of the art and science of Rad io Communication as well as friendship and cooperation amongst those with a common interest. We are an internationa I organization of Rad io Amateurs, each of us licensed for 25 or more years by our respective governments. Our members are regularly kept up to date on our activities through news letters sent to them throughout t he year. 2-Ĥ PRESI DENT'S MESSAGE It is the purpose of this message to acquaint interested parties with the aims and objectives of the Quarter Century Wireless Association. Hansen, W2FIT, Secretary and David Talley, W2PF, Treasurer: WIHRX, W2BJ, W2BR, W2BT, W2BW, K2CM, W2CO, W2DK, W2EA, W2EC, W2EF, W2FD, W2FO, W2FX, W2FZ, W2GG, W2GX, W211, W21N, W2KR, W2KW, W2MM, W20G, W2PF, W2PL, W2RB, W2UD, W2WZ, W2YW, W2AMB, W2AMJ, W2CVF, W2FIT and W2LFR. and elected John DIBiasi, W2FX, President George T. The first official meeting was held on Friday evening, Decemin New York City at which time the following old-timers founded the QUARTER CENTURY WIRELESS ASSOCIATION, Inc. Groves, W2DX decided that they should meet with other old-timers and form an Association of amateur radio operators who had been licensed for twenty-five years or longer. HISTORICAL DATA QCWA had its inception during a 10-meter (30 MHz) "round-table" on Friday evening, Novemwhen John DIBiasi, W2FX Uda Ross, W2UD John Gioe, W2FD Edwin S. Members who have received the Golden Anniversary Award for Fifty Years of service as a Licensed Radio Amateur are indicated by a (t). LIFE MEMBERS AND 50 YEAR AWARD MEMBERS Life members are indicated in BOLD FACE TYPE in the membership listing. Rosel H, Hyde McKinley St., N.W., Washington, D. Peaks Island, Portland, Maine Paul Godley. BARBER, W2ZM *Deceased WlAE/W3DF (exw2xel HONORARY MEMBERS George Sterling. THOMAS, W2MM EXECUTIVE SECRETARY - EMERITUS *RALPH G. Hardwick PAST PRESIDENTS JOHN DIBLASI, W2FX, President Emeritus *EARL R. Collison George Nolan Harold Wetterholm Philip Levison Or. Thomas Clarence Seid Kurt Schoenfeld Reeve 0. Valentine CHARTER MEMBERS " W2FD W2CO *W2MM W2KW *W2BT K4AW W4BJ W4MW W2AS *K4BA W2KU W2MY *W21LO W2DDA W2BNY W2BB *W2KN W2QF W2BKY W2MIN w201 W2VH *W41E "W9WNF W9NN *W6YYU W2YQ John A.

2810 barcody rd se huntsville al

Droste Leon Hansen David Talley James Millen Fred W. 1-ģ W2FX *W21N *W2FIT W2PF WlHRX W2AMB W2DX *W211 W2UD W2RB W2EF *W2EA W2AMJ W2WX W2BR W2KR *W2PL w2fo W2FZ W20G W2LFR W2BW W2CVF W2EC *K4GG K2CM *W2GX John Di Blasi G.

2810 barcody rd se huntsville al

Various News letters will show these from time to time. As the above chapter officers change yearly, no listing of names are therefore made at this time. California Susquehanna (Pa) Sydney (Australia} Toledo Tulsa (Okla} Upper Midwest (Minn) Washington, DC West Gulf West Vi rginia In addition, there are other chapters in the process of formation. Indiana Oklahoma Pittsburg (Pa) Reading (Pa) San Diego (Calif) San Antonio (Tex) So. SEARS W5NC Akron (Ohio) Alabama Anthracite (Pa) Arizona Baltimore Canton Central NY Chicago Citrus (Fla) Cleveland Dallas Dayton-Cincinnati Delaware Valley Findlay (OH) Finger Lakes (NY) Fort Wayne (Ind) Florida East Gator (Fla) Harrisburg (Pa) Houston (Tex) Joliet (Ill) Metro, NY (New York City) Michigan ACTIVE QCWA CHAPTERS Missouri Mid-Continent (Kan) Mohawk Valley (NY) Nebraska Nevada New England Nor. Y President CLARENCE SEID, W2KW/ KV4AB Secretary DAVID TALLEY, W2PF Executive Secretary/General Manager A. 1 QUARTER CENTUllY WIRELESS ASSOCIATION, I C., ' i f - u.ut1t c11111u mruss ass -, YEAR BOOKĢ Vice President FRANK A. Check resumes and CV, social media profiles, arrest records, skilled experts, photos and videos, public records, business records, publications and work history. View contact information: phones, addresses, emails and networks. Tammy Jaynes Found 36 people in Tennessee, Texas and 25 other states

2810 barcody rd se huntsville al